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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

In Your Presence- Jason Upton

Thursday, November 18, 2010

What Gives??

Recently, i had a dream about the cross, I'd like to share it, here goes: I dreamt that I was on a hill overlooking a vast landscape, like looking at an empty desert. However, this desert wasn't empty, it was filled with thousands of people, maybe millions, and they were all facing away from me, focusing intently on something in the distance. So out of curiosity, i decided to find out what they were focusing on, and made my way down the hill, and through the crowd. After some considerable shuffling, and walking through this sea of people, I was able to make out what they were looking at; It was a huge cross, a very white and polished cross, and as i got closer, i could see that this was a massive cross, towering over everything,and everyone. Continuing on to the front of the mob, i finally made my way to the foot of the cross. When i got to the foot of the cross, i noticed something very odd. When i looked to the left, or the right, i could see that everyone was staring at the cross, along with the ones behind me. The odd thing was, there wasn't anyone standing on the other side, or the backside of the cross. This made me pause to ponder why. I knew that the cross represented Jesus, the sacrifice He made, the shedding of His blood, that purified us, forgave us, and justified us, and made us righteous, and Holy, sanctifying us, and presenting us to the Father, salvation. All of this occurred at the front, or foot of the cross where everyone was focusing on. I asked myself, what's on the otherside of the cross? The first answer: 1. The ressurection, 2. The ascension of christ, 3. The giving of the Holy Spirit, 4. The beginning of the church, 5. How the church functioned. (in unity) etc. What's wrong with this picture? Without the resurrection of christ, nothing at the front of the cross matters unless it is fulfilled, and sealed by the resurrection of christ. If christ doen't ascend to the Father, we don't get the Holy Spirit to govern us. Without the Holy Spirit living in us, we cannot grow as the body of christ. Neither can we be salt, and light to this world. Neither can we conquer sin, neither can we bear one anothers burdens. If we don't step on the otherside of the cross, and live on the otherside, we cannot function, or even understand how to function as citizens of the Kingdom of God. The gospel is the good news of the kingdom of God, telling us what we need to do in order to be reconciled to a relationship with our King, Father, God. Once we believe Jesus,repent, and are baptized, receiving the Holy Spirit, then the gospel has accomplished its purpose in us. The gospel leads us to the cross, the Holy Spirit leads us to choose christ, and then He helps us, by teaching us how to live in Christ, on the other side of the cross, in the kingdom of God. If we are true believers of Jesus, lets take that big step to the otherside of the cross.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


As we head into the month of November, or as i like to say the thanksgiving month. I would like to read some comments about things that you're thankful for that occurred in the past year. Things that God did in your life in the past year, for which you're grateful.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Speaking Loudly in Silence: Religion, Traditions, and Fears Oh My!!

Speaking Loudly in Silence: Religion, Traditions, and Fears Oh My!!

Religion, Traditions, and Fears Oh My!!

Recently, a family member visited a local baptist church, She went and sat down on the front row of pews on the right side of the hall. Immediately, an older lady walked over and informed her that she had to sit somewhere else because, this pew was reserved for the first ladies of the church, the first ladies being the wives of the pastor, and lesser ministers of the church. My family member also said that the elderly lady was rather rude, and abrupt with her. Having come from a church who was multicultural, this family member had never heard of a first lady, let alone that they had special seating, since this practice was not in her home church.`This family member had to say a silent prayer, asking God to give her peace, so that she could stay for the service.

Another church in an economically strapped part of town, with a membership of about 500, has set aside one sunday a month to take up a love offering for their pastor, on top of his monthly salary. In doing a little math, I estimate that if each person gives 10 bucks apiece,the results could add up to $5,000 a month extra for the pastor, multiply that by 12, and one could see it as being very profitable for a pastor in that church.

Some popular pastors (no names) command as much as $10,000 dollars per sermon to come and preach at different churches, so a 2 day event could earn $20,000 or more for the pastor.

Is this what Jesus wanted the shepards of his body to do? How they should live? Is the church following the commands of JESUS?

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Speaking Loudly in Silence: God is Good!!

Speaking Loudly in Silence: God is Good!!: "My son made the transition to junior high school from elementary this morning. Talon was so excited, and a little nervous. He got up, 2 hour..."

God is Good!!

My son made the transition to junior high school from elementary this morning. Talon was so excited, and a little nervous. He got up, 2 hours before school started, got dressed in his new duds, and was walking around the house with his backpack on an hour before time to leave. It reminded me of the feelings I had while making a similar transition many years ago. I was also reminded of a prayer I prayed several years ago while battling cancer. I poured the desires of my heart out to God, I wanted God to heal, and deliver me from that disease so that I could see my son grow up, and reach the milestones in life that young people reach. Nevertheless, I also prayed that Gods will be done with, and in my life. Needless to say, God heard, and answered, and today I testify. It is a very sick, and evil world into which we send our young ones out today, vastly different from when I was a kid, and while each day takes us closer to the return of our Lord evil continues to grow as well. I wonder if the life expectancy of todays generation is over 30yrs? Anyway, I prayed over my son, asking for peace, and protection today, and gave a few last minute instructions/reminders of who he is, and who he represents whenever he leaves our home, and whats expected of him, and tried not to let him see the tear in my eye, and he hugged me goodbye, and bounced out the door. The bible says to pray without ceasing, which is something we must do over our children, and loved ones everyday.

Sunday, August 8, 2010


I saw recently on the news, that employers are not hiring people who are unemployed, in fact; Many employers are seeking potential employees who are currently employed, rather than those who are unemployed. Some businesses are posting on some internet job sites "Unemployed Need Not Apply". When you factor in age, and gender biases, and now this new obstacle, How can one hope to change ones economic status if no one will hire them? It doesn't matter if a person is qualified anymore. That person won't even get an interview. Evil in America knows no bounds........

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Spiritual Warfare

Would anyone agree that for the most part, the church (body of Christ)is mostly absent in our communities today? How much of the body of Christ (ie the Church) has been rendered ineffective in this society at large, that the examples of the Acts 4 church are very rare, to almost non- existent today? Are there demonic principalities at work in the Church in america, that have built strongholds that are almost impossible to tear down, if they're even found? In acts chapter 4, the church community is described as united in Christ so closely that there wasn't any poverty among them. Can that be said of the Church today? Why not? Are there any legitimate excuses as to why the Acts 4 model of the church won't work in the 21st century church today? I've heard a few reasons, but I want to hear from you. Your comments are welcomed......

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Spiritual Warfare

What in your opinion is the most insidious in-road had satan, made inside the body of Christ?

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Truckdriving and Colorectal Cancer Pt 2

This is part 2 of yesterdays post. I didn't mean to gross anyone out, but I think that this information is important, not only for truckers, but for everyone. Certain types of cancers that normally affect older people, are now showing up in people much younger today. Men in their 20's, and 30s' are getting prostate cancer. Younger women, are getting colorectal cancers at younger ages (survival rates are lower in women for this type of cancer). Also, people who are otherwise healthy, non-smokers, non-drinkers, with no genetic history in their families for cancer, are getting this disease. I don't know if the supplements, and hormones that are in the foods today are causing this problem, or abnormal stress is the cause for this rise in cancer. All I know is that this is a deadly problem, and I'm advising people to get screenings, colonoscopies, and tested, to make sure everything checks out now. Doesn't matter what age you are, GET CHECKED OUT!!, Change your eating habits, less fat, and more fiber. Keep your colons clean, there are many good colon cleansers on the market these days, check out your local natural food stores, or GNC for these products. By the grace of God, I was healed of this disease, and I'm using my experiences to educate you, and hopefully motivate you to stay on top of your health. If you are interested, check out the website, and learn alot more about this disease.

Monday, April 26, 2010


Hello, and welcome to my blog. I am a trucker (14yrs), and I want to share an experience, that I hope will be helpful to truckers, and anyone else who may be interested. In 2003, I was diagnosed with 3rd stage Colo-rectal cancer. At the time, I was 38yrs old, a non-smoker, a moderate drinker, and there was no history for this type of cancer in my family. I did not fit the profile for this type of cancer either (over 50yrs old etc.) In fact I was miss-diagnosed, that the bleeding I was experiencing was from hemorrhoids ( a fairly common problem among truckers). I was given treatment, and told to use a seat cushion while driving, and all would be fine. However, the bleeding didn't stop, and I was not experiencing the discomfort associated with hemorrhoids i.e. itching, and burning etc. So, I kept bugging my doctor telling him that something just wasn't right, (I did this for several months), until finally, my doctor relented, His exact words were " Alright, I'll schedule you for a colonoscopy, for your peace of mind, although I'm sure it's just hemorrhoids". Little did he know at the time, but that decision probably saved my life. The bleeding came from a cancerous tumor that sat so low in my colon that it actually masked the minor hemorrhoids I had, and led my doctor to believe that the culprit was the hemorrhoids. Needless to say, he was very upset with himself. Anyway, I embarked on a journey of radiation treatments, chemotherapy, and 2 major surgeries. I had 16 inches of my colon, and a portion of my rectal area removed, and the colon reconnected, also, an Illiostomy was performed (I wore a temporary bag for 6mos), and was declared cancer-free in September of 2003, and has remained so up to now. I want to share what I've learned about this type of cancer; 1. This cancer is slow-growing, and can progress undetected before symptoms are noticeable (i.e. rectal bleeding, or bowel discomfort--thin stool, and difficulty eliminating waste), doctors said I had this cancer for about 3yrs before detection. 2. People with jobs requiring long periods of sitting, like secretaries, telemarketers, and truck drivers, are vulnerable to this type of cancer. 3. A high fat, low fiber, or no fiber diet (fast foods, truck stop food, or processed foods) can lead to this type of cancer. Most truckers are meat, and potatoes guys. 4. This is most important, the inability to eliminate waste in a timely manner. As most truckers know, there are times when restrooms are few, and far in between, even non exist ant, depending on what roads we drive on, and most gas stations are not built to accommodate trucks, and One cannot always park on a roadside and walk into a gas station, or convenience store restroom. So we end up holding our waste for longer periods of time than necessary, trying to locate a restroom. This can be very harmful to our colons, as the toxins in our waste can fester, and cause damage. 5. This cancer is no longer age specific, I was 38 when diagnosed, and another trucker was 28yrs old when he was diagnosed. Unfortunately, he is no longer with us. 6. Truckers should get regular colonoscopies, to stay on top of this disease, and learn all that they can about this disease. Early prevention is the key. 7. Be persistent with your doctor until you get results. This disease can easily be misdiagnosed as hemorrhoidal bleeding. 8. Always, Always, Always seek a second, or third opinion regarding the treatment of this type of disease, or any disease.