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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

God is Good!!

My son made the transition to junior high school from elementary this morning. Talon was so excited, and a little nervous. He got up, 2 hours before school started, got dressed in his new duds, and was walking around the house with his backpack on an hour before time to leave. It reminded me of the feelings I had while making a similar transition many years ago. I was also reminded of a prayer I prayed several years ago while battling cancer. I poured the desires of my heart out to God, I wanted God to heal, and deliver me from that disease so that I could see my son grow up, and reach the milestones in life that young people reach. Nevertheless, I also prayed that Gods will be done with, and in my life. Needless to say, God heard, and answered, and today I testify. It is a very sick, and evil world into which we send our young ones out today, vastly different from when I was a kid, and while each day takes us closer to the return of our Lord evil continues to grow as well. I wonder if the life expectancy of todays generation is over 30yrs? Anyway, I prayed over my son, asking for peace, and protection today, and gave a few last minute instructions/reminders of who he is, and who he represents whenever he leaves our home, and whats expected of him, and tried not to let him see the tear in my eye, and he hugged me goodbye, and bounced out the door. The bible says to pray without ceasing, which is something we must do over our children, and loved ones everyday.

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