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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Spiritual Warfare

Would anyone agree that for the most part, the church (body of Christ)is mostly absent in our communities today? How much of the body of Christ (ie the Church) has been rendered ineffective in this society at large, that the examples of the Acts 4 church are very rare, to almost non- existent today? Are there demonic principalities at work in the Church in america, that have built strongholds that are almost impossible to tear down, if they're even found? In acts chapter 4, the church community is described as united in Christ so closely that there wasn't any poverty among them. Can that be said of the Church today? Why not? Are there any legitimate excuses as to why the Acts 4 model of the church won't work in the 21st century church today? I've heard a few reasons, but I want to hear from you. Your comments are welcomed......


  1. There are no ligitimate reasons, but there are extremely functional reasons as to why it wont work in todays society. Aside from the devistating hand that Satan and our governmentplay, the seemingly worst for our society is that we have breed and cultivated an extreemly lazy generation, a people that wants everything handed to them on a silver platter. God tell's us that "If a man will not work neither should he eat." Not so in our society,therefore the church has nothing to help the poor, widows, or the fatherless. our ministers are to busy modeling and deacons chasing dress tails. All is not lost though, " woe unto you that scatter my flock, and cause my people to go astray," our ministers of today have no real leadership from the TRUE GOD of the bible. How therefore then can we have the church of ACTS 4

  2. Recently, I was told that Rev. TD Jakes, receives about $20,000 per speaking engagement, when invited to preach as a guest. I also learned that a certain baptist church of about 900 members once a month, calls for a love offering for their pastor, on top of his regular monthly salary, doing the math, if each member gave $10 a month for a year to this love offering the pastor would receive over $100,000, plus his salary each year. I heard a sermon from a pastor in San Francisco Ca, thanking his congregation for blessing his church with enough offerings to buy a 26 million dollar corporate jet so he and his wife wouldn't have to suffer the inconvenience of using public airlines. Rick Warrens' church boasts over 60,000 members spread over several congrations in california alone, If all of those members give offerings, there shouldn't be anyone homeless, hungry, or sick within 50 miles of their location. I agree that some churches are small, and may be economically challenged, and cannot help much, but I think that's where the problem lies, The Acts 4 church was not divided into denominations, ie. the haves and the have nots. Denominations are manmade.....
